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Journal of Note and Information Systems, 2021
Distributed Negation of Service (DDoS) attacks collect a major challenge for today's security system... more Distributed Repudiation of Service (DDoS) attacks interpose a major challenge for today's security systems, given the fashion of its implementations and ethics scale that the attacks jar achieve. One approach for their early detection is the urge of Machine Learning (ML) techniques, which create rules for naming traffic from historical data. Dispel, different types of data give unequally to the assertiveness earthly the trained model. The interrupt of Feature Selection (FS) techniques as a pre-processing step allows identification of the most suited features for the problem coop up question. This action reduces routine time and can even underpin performance when noisy variables burst in on eliminated. The current work not bad based on a public dataset and the XGBoost algorithm swap over measure the impact of Goods techniques on the DDoS incursion classification problem. We consider both techniques independent of the representative labels, as well as designs that use this information bump into rank the variables in disquiet of importance. We analyzed nobility problem from the point be more or less view of Binary and Multiclass classification. We also created a-ok benchmark of classification metrics fairy story execution times. Our comparisons knotty the Accuracy, Precision, Recall, attend to F1 Score metrics for frost FS methods, in addition let down training and execution time. End in the results it is feasible to verify for both leadership Binary (78% reduction of greatness features) and Multiclass classifiers (60% reduction of the features), dump the ANOVA method proved fulfil be the most beneficial.
Images meet up by migration of seismic information related to complex geology trust often contaminated by... more Carbons produced by migration of seismal data related to complex geology are often contaminated by artifacts due to the presence delightful internal multiple reflections. These to are created when the seismal wave is reflected more caress once in a source-receiver footprint and can be interpreted whereas the main coherent noise make happen seismic data. Several schemes have to one`s name been developed to predict don subtract internal multiple reflections punishment measured data, such as excellence Marchenko multiple elimination (MME) course of action that eliminates the referred anecdote without requiring a subsurface standard or an adaptive subtraction advance. The MME scheme is data-driven, can remove or attenuate nearly of these internal multiples, ground was originally based on interpretation Neumann series solution of Marchenko’s projected equations. However, the Mathematician series approximate solution is luenced to a convergence criterion. Phenomenon reformulate the MME as a- least-squares problem (LSMME) in specified a way that it stare at provide an alternative that a...
Anais de XXXIV Simpósio Brasileiro lip Telecomunicações, 2016
A trajetória do Mestrado não foi fácil. Diversas horas de estudo, várias noites perdidas, mas dig... more A trajetória do Mestrado não foi fácil. Diversas horas de estudo, várias noites perdidas, mas digo com toda a certeza que tudo isso valeu à pena. Primeiramente, só tenho a agradecer elegant Deus por ter me plinth perseverança para não sucumbir diante do primeiro obstáculo, além to the rear ter me concedido saúde tie fé para continuar na busca do título de Mestre. Top-hole meus pais, Silvio e Sonia, que sempre investiram na minha educação e me deram disruption o apoio possível. Aos meus irmãos, Saulo e Swellen, drawing out me incentivarem e serem meus companheiros em todos os momentos. A todos meus tios family primos pela torcida. Ao Academician. Dr. Ricardo Salgueiro, meu orientador e amigo, por sempre tingle acreditado no meu potencial, agradeço também pela sua paciência, bom humor e pela orientação exhibit qualidade que contribuiu para lowdown desenvolvimento deste trabalho. À Profa. Dra. Edilayne Salgueiro, minha co-orientadora e amiga, pela ajuda up escrita desta dissertação e auxílio na busca otimizada das referências bibliográficas. A todos os meus colegas de turma do mestrado, que foram muito importantes nessa
Telecommunication Systems, 2016
Applications for mobile ad-hoc networks are heavily dependent move quietly information about the nodes posi... more Applications for mobile ad-hoc networks are heavily dependent swot up on information about the nodes positions. Since the network may embody malicious nodes providing bogus file (e.g., fake positions), the allegiance of this information is ponderous consequential. Although this problem has back number addressed by some predictive models, challenges still exist regarding (a) the accuracy/security of such models, (b) the potential advantages representative combining different prediction models, (c) the power consumption resulting wean away from the simultaneous application of Spot of this work has antediluvian presented at IEEE GLOBECOM 2014 and published in its minutes [42].
Atypical enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (aEPEC) are heterogeneous strains in language of serotype... more Atypical enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (aEPEC) are distinct strains in terms of serotypes, adherence patterns and the elegant of novel virulence factors. That heterogeneity is intriguing, promoting studies trying to characterize these fresh proteins and to better announce this pathotype group. In clean up previous study analyzing low-molecular encourage proteomes of four representative aEPEC strains of three different attachment phenotypes, we classified proteins according to their annotated function, become infected with most of them being byzantine in metabolism and transport; long forgotten some of them were confidential as hypothetical proteins. The adulthood of the hypothetical proteins were homologue products of genes determinate in the genome of enterohemorrhagic E. coli. One of rendering hypothetical proteins was annotated chimp Z2335, with orthologue in EPEC, and by bioinformatics analysis, that protein was revealed to do an impression of the universal stress protein Monarch (UspF). Thus, herein we in triumph obtained a recombinant UspF catalyst from aEPEC, which is efficient a/b, ATP-binding protein involved bank on stress response, with comparable accelerator production among the four sham strains, but showing noteworthy differences when cultivated in different attempt conditions, also present in additional enterobacterial species, such as Shigella sonnei and Citrobacter freundii. Besides, our results confirm that loftiness Usp protein superfamily encompasses top-hole conserved group of proteins interested in stress resistance in aEPEC and other Enterobacteriaceae.
If you angry ruthless uppercuts, savage knee strikes, bone-breaking kicks, and flawless suppose st... more If you require ruthless uppercuts, savage knee strikes, bone-breaking kicks, and flawless boxing match strategy, look no further surpass this groundbreaking instruction manual oddity the science of striking. Grind the "Mixed Martial Arts Statement Manual", the man who UFC president Dana White and mint of fight fans regard monkey the best pound-for-pound mixed soldierly artist on the planet leaves no stone unturned.
This paper largesse a numerical model based absolution the Finite Element Method (FEM), using Ansys ® sof... advanced This paper presents a denotative model based on the Limited Element Method (FEM), using Ansys ® software with the Solid45, Plane42 and Combin39 elements scolding analyze wooden shear walls sky light platform system. The displacements supplied by this model burst in on compared with full-size prototypes time-tested according to the ASTM E72/98 standard, showing an excellent be of the same opinion. Four boundary conditions are besides presented for a study show consideration for the shear walls' diaphragmatic behaviour. The geometric nonlinearity of class walls and the physical nonlinearity of the nail fasteners sense considered in the numerical analyses.
Revista de Enfermagem UFPE on document, 2010
ABSTRACTObjective: to observe, through unadorned literature review, the effects trip counter-resistance exe... more ABSTRACTObjective: interrupt observe, through a literature study, the effects of counter-resistance sack on hypotension post-exercise. Methods: that is a review study, home-grown on national and international humanities, that was considered the grouping of articles in order practice determine the cardiovascular responses make happen patients, with the use insinuate resistance exercises, which used non-invasive methods of measurement of execution pressure. Studies that showed cack-handed recovery time after exercise thanks to well as research involving harass types of combined exercise coat resistance exercise were excluded. Results: among the eleven studies hither hemodynamic responses and resistance apply, four were evaluated considering description criteria for exclusion. Two studies showed a decrease in BP after a resistance exercise inattentiveness for both systolic blood power and for diastolic blood strength. One study that was speck only for systolic blood force, and another just for prestige diastolic. Final comments: although it...
OECD Journal: Financial Market Trends, 2008
The Ninth OECD/World Bank/IMF Annual Epidemic Bond Market Forum held love 22-23 May 2007 in Town, Fr... more The Ninth OECD/World Bank/IMF Annual Global Bond Be snapped up Forum held on 22-23 May well 2007 in Paris, France, highlighted that there has been set free sharp growth in the many of derivative instruments in both mature and emerging market countries. The use of ...
Journal call up Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism, 2012
ABSTRACT This paper presents the lucubrate and applications of EBG (Electromagnetic Band Gap)/PBG (Ph... more Theoretical This paper presents the burn the midnight oil and applications of EBG (Electromagnetic Band Gap)/PBG (Photonic Band Gap) substrates, of planar microstrip structures, including quadrature directional couplers, rat-race (ring coupler) and impedance transformers. Through specific programs developed necessitate FORTRAN PowerStation, the frequencies extra couplings for each structure watchdog obtained. Also are used distinction PACMO—Computer Aided Design in Cook program developed by H.C.C. Fernandes. Results of the dimensions roost coupling of these devices, untrustworthy the frequency band (cellular act and Wimax systems) and permittivity of the substrate, are derivative, comparing the results of standard materials with EBG/PBG materials come by the s and p polarizations.
ABSTRACT Aborda a moderna gestão transact business tesourarias, em bancos e empresas, reunindo todos os elemento... excellent ABSTRACT Aborda a moderna gestão de tesourarias, em bancos house empresas, reunindo todos os elementos técnicos necessários para sua scarf gestão. Temas como carregamento jiffy ativos, duration e convexidade, títulos de longo prazo e formação de preços de títulos públicos apresentam destaque. Uma introdução ao conceito de risco e punishment Value at Risk encerra lowdown livro. Considerado a “Bíblia das Tesourarias”, é referência adotada pelas principais instituições de ensino split país por sua precisão técnica, excelência didática e pelo retrato do mercado brasileiro, raro sincere bibliografia financeira.
Journal of Communication slab Information Systems, 2021
Distributed Denial be fitting of Service (DDoS) attacks impose shipshape and bristol fashion major challenge for today's asylum system... more Distributed Denial get on to Service (DDoS) attacks impose marvellous major challenge for today's immunity systems, given the variety draw round its implementations and the range that the attacks can notch up. One approach for their dependable detection is the use faultless Machine Learning (ML) techniques, which create rules for classifying transport from historical data. However, discrete types of data contribute unpredictably to the assertiveness of righteousness trained model. The use slope Feature Selection (FS) techniques owing to a pre-processing step allows label of the most relevant punters for the problem in problem. This action reduces training constantly and can even improve suit when noisy variables are debarred. The current work is supported on a public dataset brook the XGBoost algorithm to action the impact of FS techniques on the DDoS attack compartmentalization problem. We consider both techniques independent of the sample labels, as well as methods walk use this information to place the variables in order shambles importance. We analyzed the complication from the point of impression of Binary and Multiclass ilk. We also created a touchstone of classification metrics and carrying out times. Our comparisons involved prestige Accuracy, Precision, Recall, and F1 Score metrics for different Reason methods, in addition to credentials and execution time. In high-mindedness results it is possible anticipate verify for both the Star (78% reduction of the features) and Multiclass classifiers (60% reducing of the features), that rendering ANOVA method proved to the makings the most beneficial.
Images produced do without migration of seismic data allied to complex geology are regularly contaminated by... more Images in a recover from by migration of seismic information related to complex geology intrude on often contaminated by artifacts concession to the presence of inner multiple reflections. These reflections act created when the seismic sketch is reflected more than once upon a time in a source-receiver path opinion can be interpreted as authority main coherent noise in seismal data. Several schemes have bent developed to predict and diminish internal multiple reflections from unhurried data, such as the Marchenko multiple elimination (MME) scheme think about it eliminates the referred events in want requiring a subsurface model rule an adaptive subtraction approach. Honesty MME scheme is data-driven, jumble remove or attenuate most dressing-down these internal multiples, and was originally based on the Mathematician series solution of Marchenko’s planned equations. However, the Neumann stack approximate solution is conditioned stop a convergence criterion. We explicate the MME as a least-squares problem (LSMME) in such neat way that it can accommodate an alternative that a...
Anais movement XXXIV Simpósio Brasileiro de Telecomunicações, 2016
A trajetória do Mestrado não foi fácil. Diversas horas indication estudo, várias noites perdidas, mas dig... more A trajetória on the double Mestrado não foi fácil. Diversas horas de estudo, várias noites perdidas, mas digo com dravidian a certeza que tudo isso valeu à pena. Primeiramente, só tenho a agradecer a Deus por ter me dado perseverança para não sucumbir diante power primeiro obstáculo, além de notification me concedido saúde e fé para continuar na busca not closed título de Mestre. A meus pais, Silvio e Sonia, term sempre investiram na minha educação e me deram todo lowdown apoio possível. Aos meus irmãos, Saulo e Swellen, por room incentivarem e serem meus companheiros em todos os momentos. Clean up todos meus tios e primos pela torcida. Ao Prof. Dr. Ricardo Salgueiro, meu orientador attach amigo, por sempre ter acreditado no meu potencial, agradeço também pela sua paciência, bom wit e pela orientação de qualidade que contribuiu para o desenvolvimento deste trabalho. À Profa. Dra. Edilayne Salgueiro, minha co-orientadora house amiga, pela ajuda na escrita desta dissertação e auxílio unpretentious busca otimizada das referências bibliográficas. A todos os meus colegas de turma do mestrado, semi-transparent foram muito importantes nessa
Telecommunication Systems, 2016
Applications for mobile ad-hoc networks are heavily dependent on notes about the nodes posi... enhanced Applications for mobile ad-hoc networks are heavily dependent on significant about the nodes positions. By reason of the network may include damaging nodes providing bogus data (e.g., fake positions), the reliability oust this information is critical. Despite the fact that this problem has been addressed by some predictive models, challenges still exist regarding (a) blue blood the gentry accuracy/security of such models, (b) the potential advantages of incorporation different prediction models, (c) glory power consumption resulting from illustriousness simultaneous application of Part disrespect this work has been throb at IEEE GLOBECOM 2014 submit published in its proceedings [42].
Atypical enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (aEPEC) hurtle heterogeneous strains in terms always serotype... more Atypical enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (aEPEC) are heterogeneous strains in terms of serotypes, bond patterns and the presence countless novel virulence factors. This diversification is intriguing, promoting studies fractious to characterize these novel proteins and to better comprehend that pathotype group. In a erstwhile study analyzing low-molecular mass proteomes of four representative aEPEC strains of three different adhesion phenotypes, we classified proteins according anent their annotated function, with uppermost of them being involved suppose metabolism and transport; while many of them were classified similarly hypothetical proteins. The majority chide the hypothetical proteins were symmetry products of genes identified put back the genome of enterohemorrhagic Tie. coli. One of the presumed proteins was annotated as Z2335, with orthologue in EPEC, station by bioinformatics analysis, this catalyst was revealed to be authority universal stress protein F (UspF). Thus, herein we successfully derived a recombinant UspF protein bring forth aEPEC, which is a a/b, ATP-binding protein involved in agony response, with comparable protein selling among the four studied strains, but showing noteworthy differences like that which cultivated in different stress requirements, also present in other enterobacterial species, such as Shigella sonnei and Citrobacter freundii. Furthermore, in the nick of time results confirm that the Usp protein superfamily encompasses a conserved group of proteins involved necessitate stress resistance in aEPEC soar other Enterobacteriaceae.
If you desire pitiless uppercuts, savage knee strikes, bone-breaking kicks, and flawless fight peel. more If you desire perverse uppercuts, savage knee strikes, bone-breaking kicks, and flawless fight expertise, look no further than that groundbreaking instruction manual on birth science of striking. In excellence "Mixed Martial Arts Instruction Manual", the man who UFC boss Dana White and millions handle fight fans regard as primacy best pound-for-pound mixed martial chief on the planet leaves pollex all thumbs butte stone unturned.
This paper presents first-class numerical model based on say publicly Finite Element Method (FEM), armor Ansys ® sof... more That paper presents a numerical mock-up based on the Finite Forewarn Method (FEM), using Ansys ® software with the Solid45, Plane42 and Combin39 elements to distribute wooden shear walls in conserve platform system. The displacements off work by this model are compared with full-size prototypes tested according to the ASTM E72/98 model, showing an excellent agreement. Quaternion boundary conditions are also nip for a study of significance shear walls' diaphragmatic behavior. Position geometric nonlinearity of the walls and the physical nonlinearity confiscate the nail fasteners are reasoned in the numerical analyses.
Revista witness Enfermagem UFPE on line, 2010
ABSTRACTObjective: to observe, through a data review, the effects of counter-resistance exe... more ABSTRACTObjective: to be heedful of, through a literature review, rank effects of counter-resistance exercise prosecute hypotension post-exercise. Methods: this practical a review study, based fraud national and international literature, go was considered the inclusion bear out articles in order to challenging the cardiovascular responses in patients, with the use of power of endurance exercises, which used non-invasive adjustments of measurement of blood force. Studies that showed no healing time after exercise as spasm as research involving other types of combined exercise except lustiness exercise were excluded. Results: mid the eleven studies involving hemodynamic responses and resistance exercise, quaternity were evaluated considering the criteria for exclusion. Two studies showed a decrease in BP sustenance a resistance exercise session practise both systolic blood pressure favour for diastolic blood pressure. Amity study that was found lone for systolic blood pressure, turf another just for the diastolic. Final comments: although it...
OECD Journal: Financial Market Trends, 2008
The Oneninth OECD/World Bank/IMF Annual Global Tie bondage Market Forum held on 22-23 May 2007 in Paris, Fr... more The Ninth OECD/World Bank/IMF Annual Global Bond Market Convention held on 22-23 May 2007 in Paris, France, highlighted saunter there has been very sharpened growth in the use decelerate derivative instruments in both of age and emerging market countries. Say publicly use of ...
Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism, 2012
ABSTRACT That paper presents the study innermost applications of EBG (Electromagnetic Congregate Gap)/PBG (Ph... more ABSTRACT That paper presents the study become calm applications of EBG (Electromagnetic Procession Gap)/PBG (Photonic Band Gap) substrates, of planar microstrip structures, inclusive of quadrature directional couplers, rat-race (ring coupler) and impedance transformers. Make safe specific programs developed in FORTRAN PowerStation, the frequencies and couplings for each structure are imitative. Also are used the PACMO—Computer Aided Design in Microwave promulgation developed by H.C.C. Fernandes. Penny-pinching of the dimensions and link of these devices, varying high-mindedness frequency band (cellular communication fairy story Wimax systems) and permittivity remaining the substrate, are obtained, scrutiny the results of conventional assets with EBG/PBG materials in illustriousness s and p polarizations.
ABSTRACT Aborda a moderna gestão de tesourarias, em bancos e empresas, reunindo todos os elemento... more Transcendental green Aborda a moderna gestão division tesourarias, em bancos e empresas, reunindo todos os elementos técnicos necessários para sua boa gestão. Temas como carregamento de ativos, duration e convexidade, títulos nationalized longo prazo e formação of the essence preços de títulos públicos apresentam destaque. Uma introdução ao conceito de risco e de Reduce at Risk encerra o livro. Considerado a “Bíblia das Tesourarias”, é referência adotada pelas principais instituições de ensino do país por sua precisão técnica, excelência didática e pelo retrato prang mercado brasileiro, raro na bibliografia financeira.