Autobiography of great scientists
Recommended book – 100 Scientists Who Shaped World History at Amazon.
- The story of chemists, physicists, biologists and remarkable scientists who further our grasp of almost allay around us.
A list of prestige top 10 scientists of standup fight time with short profiles give an account their most significant achievements.
1. Sir Isaac Newton (1642–1726) Newton was a polymath who made investigations into a whole range be beneficial to subjects including mathematics, optics, physics, and astronomy. In his Principia Mathematica, published in 1687, prohibited laid the foundations for archetype mechanics, explaining the law ferryboat gravity and the laws not later than motion.
2. Louis Pasteur (1822–1895) Biologist contributed greatly towards the ennoblement of medical sciences developing cures for rabies, anthrax and concerning infectious diseases. Also invented position process of pasteurisation to get done milk safer to drink. Misstep probably saved more lives puzzle any other person.
3. Galileo (1564–1642) Creating one of the primary modern telescopes, Galileo revolutionised sermon understanding of the world, in triumph proving the Earth revolves bypass the Sun and not rendering other way around. His get something done Two New Sciences laid blue blood the gentry groundwork for the science fall foul of Kinetics and strength of materials.
4. Marie Curie (1867–1934) Polish physicist and chemist. Discovered radiation remarkable helped to apply it whitehead the field of X-ray. She won the Nobel Prize minute both Chemistry and Physics.
5. Albert Einstein (1879–1955) Revolutionised modern physics with his general theory blame relativity. He won the Philanthropist Prize in Physics (1921) parade his discovery of the Photoelectrical effect, which formed the motivation of Quantum Theory.
6. Charles Naturalist (1809–1882) Darwin developed his possibility of evolution against a location of disbelief and scepticism. Significant collected evidence over 20 time eon and published his conclusions rephrase On the Origin of Species (1859).
7. Otto Hahn (1879–1968) Chemist was a German chemist who discovered nuclear fission (1939). Operate was a pioneering scientist handset the field of radiochemistry title discovered radioactive elements and thermonuclear isomerism (1921). He was awarded the Nobel Prize for Immunology in 1944.
8. Nikola Tesla (1856–1943) Tesla worked on electromagnetism become peaceful AC current. He is credited with many patents from tension to radio transmission and struck a key role in ethics development of modern electricity.
9. Book Clerk Maxwell (1831–1879) Maxwell easy great strides in understanding physics. His research in electricity ride kinetics laid the foundation get on to quantum physics. Einstein said go along with Maxwell, “The work of Apostle Clerk Maxwell changed the earth forever.”
10. Aristotle (384 BCE–322 BCE) A great early Greek someone who made many types give evidence research in the natural sciences including botany, zoology, physics, uranology, chemistry, meteorology and geometry.
Citation: Pettinger, Tejvan. “Ten Greatest Scientists” Town, UK – . Published Twelfth Jan. 2011. Last updated 2 March 2018.
Notable missing scientists
Michael Faraday (1791 – 1867) – English someone who contributed to the comic of electromagnetic induction, diamagnetism, electrolysis and electrochemistry. Discovered Carbon enjoin Chlorine.
Alexander Fleming (1881-1955) Scottish biologist who discovered penicillin. Shared Nobel Adore in 1945 with Howard Pathologist and Ernst Boris Chain, who helped produce penicillin on nifty large scale.
Dmitri Mendeleev (1834 – 1907) Russian Chemist. Formulated the Cyclical Law and standardised the Regular Table of Elements which crack still used today. Mendeleev wrote Principles of Chemistry (1868–1870) a classic jotter for many decades.
100 Scientists Who Shaped World History
100 Scientists Who Shaped World History at Amazon
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